
User Guide

Architecting the Application

Two main decisions need to be made when architecting a Reactor-managed application:

  1. Which Reactor load balancing mechanism (if any) should be used?

  2. Which scaling metrics should Reactor use to scale the application?

Insight into making these decisions is detailed below:

Deciding Which Load Balancing Mechanism to Use

Reactor provides few built-in load balancing mechanisms, including: HTTP reverse-proxy load balancing (provided by nginx) and DNS round-robin load balancing (provided by dnsmasq).

In some cases, the application itself provides load balancing capabilities. For example, a Hadoop cluster headnode is typically responsible for tasking out work to the slave nodes in its cluster. In these cases, Reactor does not perform any load balancing; instead, it performs scale management and makes instance information available to the application so that the application can make its own decisions about distributing load.

HTTP-based (Nginx)

The Nginx load balancing mechanism is the preferred approach to load-balancing HTTP-based applications. It provides session “stickiness”, and is optimized for delivery of HTTP-based applications. The Nginx load balancing mechanism is not appropriate for applications that are not based on HTTP.

The HTTP-based load balancing mechanism has the following configurable properties:

  • sticky_sessions - This property indicates whether clients need to be sent to the same virtual machine instance over the course of their interaction with the application. For example, if the application makes use of PHP sessions, this property should be set to true. If it is not required for clients to be sent to the same virtual machine instance over the course of their intraction with the application, this property can be set to false. The default value is true.

  • keepalive - This property specifies the amount of time, in seconds, that the load balancer should maintain a connection with the client. The default value is 0.

DNS-based (Dnsmasq)

The Dnsmasq load balancing mechanism is used in cases where clients connect to a single application endpoint (e.g. a SIP proxy) that is not HTTP-based. The DNS-based load balancing mechanism works by returning different virtual machine instances in response to DNS queries on the hostname component of the endpoint URI. The DNS-based load balancing mechanism should be used in cases where the HTTP-based load balancing mechanism is not applicable, but where the application endpoint can be addressed by a single URI.

The DNS-based load balancing mechanism has no configurable properties.


In cases where the application manages the balancing of load among its resources, Reactor performs no load balancing functions; instead, it performs scale management and makes instance information available to the application so that the application can make its own decisions about distributing load.

Using Metrics to Construct Scaling Policies

Application metrics are used to tell Reactor when to add or remove virtual machine instances from a Reactor-managed application.

Built-in metrics

The following metrics are built-in for all applications:

  • instances - The number virtual machine instances servicing the endpoint.
  • active - The average number of active connections per virtual machine instance.

The following metrics are built-in for applications that use the Nginx load balancing mechanism:

  • response - The average response time (in milliseconds) per HTTP transaction.
  • rate - The number of HTTP transactions processed per virtual machine instance, per second.
  • bytes - The amount of HTTP traffic processed (in bytes) per virtual machine instance, per second.

Defining Scaling Rules

Scaling rules are defined in the form:

[<min> (<|<=)] <metric> [(<|<=) <max>]

For example, the scaling rule:

10 <= active <= 30

tells Reactor to keep the average number of active connections per instance between 10 and 30.

At least one minimum clause should be specified or else Reactor will never scale the number of virtual machine instances down. Likewise, at least one maximum clause should be specified or else Reactor will never scale the number of virtual machine instances up.

Multiple scaling rules can be specified by separating them with a comma. For example, the rule set:

response < 300, 10 <= active <= 30

tells Reactor to maintain response times below 300ms, and keep the average number of active connections per instance between 10 and 30.

If two scaling rules conflict with each other, the rule that is earlier in the list takes precidence. For example, the rule set:

2 <= instances, 10 <= active <= 30

tells Reactor to maintain at least two instances, and keep the number of active connections per instance between 10 and 30. If the average number of active connections drops below 10, Reactor will still keep two instances ready.

On the other hand, the rule set:

10 <= active <= 30, response < 300

tells Reactor to keep the number of active connections per instance between 10 and 30 and maintain response times below 300ms. If the average number of active connections is already 10, Reactor will not increase the number of instances even if average response times rise above 300ms.

To construct a scaling policy where:

  • We always maintain at least two instances and at most ten instances
  • As long as the above holds, we maintain response times below 300ms
  • As long as the above holds, we maintain active connections between 10 and 30

we would use the rule set:

2 <= instances <= 10, response < 300, 10 <= active <= 30

Custom metrics

Applications can also use custom metrics to define scaling policies. For example, a SIP application may be required to maintain a dropped call rate of less than 1%. This would be represented by a scaling rule such as:

dropped_calls < 0.01

Each application instance would then report the number of calls it had dropped, along with a weight. The weight is used by Reactor to calculate the average value of the custom metric. In the SIP example, the weight would be the total number of calls processed by the instance in the same time period. For example, if an instance handled 1000 calls during a period of time and dropped eight of them, it would report the following to Reactor:

`{ "dropped_calls" : [ 8, 1000 ] }`

If this were the only instance in the system, Reactor would calculate an average dropped_calls rate of 0.008 and thus the above scaling rule is satisfied. If, however, an additional instance also reported to Reactor:

`{ "dropped_calls" : [ 12 , 1000 ] }`

then Reactor would calculate an average dropped_calls rate of 0.010 and scale up the number of instances in the system.

For more information on instance reporting see the Reactor API Reference.

Deploying a Reactor System

Endpoint configuration

Creating an endpoint

Endpoints are created by pushing a configuration file to Reactor. The configuration file has the following format:

url=<URL of endpoint>
loadbalancer=<loadbalancer: nginx or dnsmasq, for example>
cloud=<cloud: osapi or osvms, for example>

rules=<list of scaling rules>

instance_id=<VMS-enabled instance ID>
auth_url=<OpenStack API URL>
user=<OpenStack username>
password=<OpenStack password>
tenant_name=<OpenStack tenant>

The parameters have the following meanings:

  • General parameters:

    • url - The URL of the endpoint.
  • Scaling parameters:

    • rules - The list of scaling rules used to scale the endpoint up and down.
    • min_instances - The absolute minimum number of instances to create, regardless of metrics and scaling rules.
    • max_instances - The absolute maximum number of instances to create, regardless of metrics and scaling rules.
  • VMS parameters (OpenStack-specific):

    • instance_id - The VMS-enabled VM template to use for creating new instances.
    • auth_url - The URL used to access the OpenStack API for the cloud this endpoint resides in.
    • user - The OpenStack username for the cloud this endpoint resides in.
    • password - The OpenStack password for the cloud this endpoint resides in.
    • tenant_name - The OpenStack project for the cloud this endpoint resides in.

The configuration file is pushed to Reactor using the reactor create command:

reactor create <endpoint name> < <path to config file>

For example:

reactor create www-production < www-production.conf

Starting an endpoint

Endpoints are started using the reactor start command:

reactor start <endpoint name>

For example:

reactor start www-production

Stopping an endpoint

Endpoints are stopped using the reactor stop command:

reactor stop <endpoint name>

For example:

reactor stop www-production

Updating an endpoint

An endpoint configuration is updated using the reactor update command:

reactor update <endpoint name> < <path to config file>

For example:

reactor update www-production < www-production.conf

Removing an endpoint

An endpoint is removed using the reactor remove command:

reactor remove <endpoint name>

For example:

reactor remove www-production

Reactor is maintained and supported by Gridcentric Inc.